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‘But the fact that they’re not repelled by the incessant bloodletting and by many characters’ flamboyant cruelty to one another says something weird and disturbing about modern sensibilities.’

No kidding.

Margaret Soltan, October 21, 2021 9:09PM
Posted in: extracts

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2 Responses to “‘But the fact that they’re not repelled by the incessant bloodletting and by many characters’ flamboyant cruelty to one another says something weird and disturbing about modern sensibilities.’”

  1. Total Says:

    Feels like a moral panic. There’s an enormously long history of gory spectacle as entertainment, from “Titus Andronicus” to Grand Guignol to Hammer films.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Total: Absolutely. I was going to make that same point but somehow didn’t… Throughout history, people have adored witnessing the bloodiest most sadistic gore.

    But given the enormous and incessant phenomenon mass voyeuristic sadism now is (and this is new, made possible by modern technologies and multinational capitalism) I don’t think being “disturbed” by it (Bruni’s word – not panic) is unjustified, especially given the very young age of many of the spectators.

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