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‘Mr. Mastriano appeared to make his Gab account private and then took it down completely.’

Capturing the anti-semite/Christian nationalist vote is always a little tricky. Digitally enlarging your Jewish opponent’s nose on attack ads sounds smart, but may backfire. If only anti-semites notice it, fine; if everyone notices it, then Georgia gets a Senator with the… peculiar name of Ossoff, rather than the all-American, snub-nose, Perdue.

If you’re only running to represent some loser district most of whose voters are Thomas Sutpen before he made all his money — piece of cake. But if you’re talking the whole state, you may run into problems.

I mean, in the case at hand, Doug Mastriano’s gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania, Doug’s heartfelt religious bigotry has long found natural outlet on Mad Dog Andrew Torba’s Gab, the social media site that fascist pigs really dig; and now that Doug’s running for office, what could be more natural than taking it one step further, and hiring Torba for campaign advice? Martin Bormann to Doug’s Hitler kind of thing.

But oh no. Cancel culture strikes again, and Doug has had to end a long and meaningful relationship with Torba/Gab.


Update: UD thanks Jeff for correcting her earlier Senator/Governor mix-up.

Margaret Soltan, July 29, 2022 12:25PM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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2 Responses to “‘Mr. Mastriano appeared to make his Gab account private and then took it down completely.’”

  1. Jeffrey Kallberg Says:

    Mastriano is the Republican candidate for governor of PA. Our distinguished Republican senatorial candidate is Dr. Oz.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Whoops! Thanks for the correction, Jeff.

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