Did you know that Bay St Louis, site of today’s mass murder, is a charming Gulf Coast destination, and the birthplace of noted historian/plagiarist Stephen Ambrose? Voted Best Place to Live in Mississippi, BSL has also got berserk, bullet-spraying, teenagers. They own all kindsa guns, they know how to use ’em, and they like to kill lotsa people. Y’all come down now, y’hear? We got the “friendliest gun laws in the nation.”
MMT, a new way to travel the highways and byways of our amazing country. Stay tuned!
April 30th, 2023 at 5:11PM
Usual comment by “leaders” of the community. The phrase is “Our hearts are broken” which has replaced “thoughts and prayers” as meaningless verbiage.
April 30th, 2023 at 6:32PM
Matt: I suspect they think that heating up the emotional vulnerability (heartbroken) gives them an edge on the reflexive disengaged thoughts and prayers thing.
I appreciate the honesty of Gov Abbott, who ignored the whole thing and tweeted something whimsical and inane about upcoming weekend fun. People attacked this as shockingly insensitive, but since he indeed doesn’t give a shit, along with his fellow gun fanatics, I applaud his approach.
April 30th, 2023 at 9:06PM
Pretend it’s not happening! The perfect solution.
April 30th, 2023 at 10:37PM
It’s worse than pretending it’s not happening; it’s finding a lot of innocent death/injury an acceptable – expected – and to be sure unfortunate! – price to pay for an armed to the teeth population. You don’t respond to the mass murders, because you expect some of that, given our remarkable freedom/abundance of the gun. I mean of course there’s going to be collateral damage! It’s a pity, but nothing to be done.
May 1st, 2023 at 6:27AM
The other mass murder in Texas, the shooter got away clean, and the Texas police, heroes of the Ulvade shooting, have zero leads. Whenever you see a Texas LEO in a cowboy hat the question is: coward or incompetent?
Gov. Abbott is offering 50K as a reward for the “illegal immigrant” who shot some other “illegal immigrants”
Greg, they can also be identified as mothers who died protecting their children.