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Margaret Soltan, October 24, 2023 4:26PM
Posted in: ADA DOOM

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4 Responses to “DEAR LEADER SAYS:”

  1. Dmitry Says:

    Are you pleased by the chaos? Now you have a weak speaker answering only to ultraconservatives who will keep doing their dirty work. Trump is effectively the speaker. In the unlikely event he is convicted, he might still be elected.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dmitry: I’m displeased by the possibility that there will be less chaos. I want the MAGA Republican party to implode. Here’s hoping.

  3. Dmitry Says:

    That implosion has been forecast since 2015 or thereabouts. At least from this remove it has not happened and shows no sign of happening. If there are vertebrate Republicans, they are staying well hidden.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dmitry: I think there are some signs it – or something close enough to an implosion to shut down the show – could happen. As with orgiastic gun-love among them, events like tonight’s ongoing enormous massacre in Maine might shame enough voters into taking action against the Boeberts.

    I realize, as you say, that prospects don’t look all that good. I have to have faith.

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