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‘There are just 9 psychiatrists per 100,000 population in [Poland] and waiting times are long.’

UD proposes significant American mental health aid to Poland, and pronto. An emergency assistance package for our old friend and ally.

Yesterday the paranoiac leader of the party that’s just been voted out of power trundled up to the podium in the parliament (he did this against all parliamentary rules) and, with an intensity of bitterness that would have impressed Iago, shouted at the new prime minister that he’s a German spy.

Today a schizophrenic parliamentarian, representing a fascist party, unloaded a fire extinguisher on a just-lit menorah in the parliament’s lobby because menorahs are satanic.

What will tomorrow bring? A hebephrenic from Hajnowka shitting on the Kopernika Monument? A catatonic from Katowice collapsing in the middle of St John’s Archcathedral and refusing to get up?

Margaret Soltan, December 12, 2023 9:29PM
Posted in: kind of a little weird

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3 Responses to “‘There are just 9 psychiatrists per 100,000 population in [Poland] and waiting times are long.’”

  1. Dmitry Says:

    The US ought focus on its own mental health crisis. It is only a matter of time before someone pulls a trigger in your Congress and it won’t be on a fire extinguisher.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dmitry: I was joking. Of course we’re worse off. We’re criminally insane.

  3. Dmitry Says:

    Well played

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