An understandable error! Most people cannot comprehend/believe that one university’s endowment is over fifty billion dollars; and Harvard will be at one hundred billion before you know it, which will be that much harder to assimilate as a reality.
Even a New York Times opinion writer (plus, UD assumes, a bunch of editors who reviewed her column) finds herself rendering a reasonably large endowment as an amount in the hundreds of millions, rather than as an amount exceeding the GDP of 120 nations.
Here’s a simple trick to help you remember: Just repeat aloud ten times FIFTY BILL FIFTY BILL with a stress on the b.
January 12th, 2024 at 2:19PM
I prefer to think of it as 2500x my employer’s endowment. Call it 2.5 kiloNewberries.
January 17th, 2024 at 5:17AM
Mondo – LOL.
All the Claudine Gay attention has gotten a lot of people to look at that unconscionable endowment. Maybe something will change.