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‘[B]eyond the specific issue of abortion, you’re in places with more patients who think vaccines will kill them, that Covid was a globalist conspiracy theory, and that you’re trying to indoctrinate their grandchildren into transgenderism.’

Our mentally retarded, dog-gunning states are now out of the closet – they’re the states with humongoid abortion bans. Turns out new MDs of all kinds don’t want to start their careers there, while significant numbers of established ob/gyns can’t get out fast enough.

UD sees this as a win-win. Kristi Noem’s rabid pack doesn’t believe in science, anyway; they’re happy to pray to the lord for healing. Physicians want to help people who want to be helped. It all works out.

Next to go – medical schools in the earth is six thousand years old states?

Margaret Soltan, May 9, 2024 10:01AM
Posted in: march of science

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2 Responses to “‘[B]eyond the specific issue of abortion, you’re in places with more patients who think vaccines will kill them, that Covid was a globalist conspiracy theory, and that you’re trying to indoctrinate their grandchildren into transgenderism.’”

  1. Anon Says:

    Yes, but please remember that red states still have a substantial number of sane people who can’t easily move and still need good medical care. As more doctors and sane people leave, the republican majorities will become even more entrenched beyond the current gerrymandering, and then the whole country will suffer because of the gd electoral college. So it is not good. Not good at all.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Anon: I’ve always been skeptical of the difficulty of moving claim. This is a big free highly mobile land mass. People even of modest means routinely get out of terrible states – S.D., Alabama, Louisiana – and into better ones. Whether you’re moving for lower taxes, fewer white supremacists, fewer homeless people about, or better health/education, America is a rich successful country in part because you can do just that.

    Some states are on their way toward banning birth control. To say nothing of IVF. Some states won’t let your kids read certain books. How bad do things have to get before moving to another state becomes viable?

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