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Nothing dire: Just connection issues.

We spend evenings walking along the beach in search of northern lights. So far no go, but ya gotta admit that auroras over the Atlantic wouldn’t be too shabby.

The only thing I’ve wanted to share is a teeny local story, from Utica, NY.

78-year-old Louis LaPolla of Utica pled guilty in federal court in Syracuse on Friday, May 10.

LaPolla pled to soliciting and then stealing donations that were meant to be used for a scholarship fund that was under his late wife’s name…

Earlier this year, LaPolla pled guilty in Oneida County Court to a misdemeanor petit larceny charge after he admitted to using stamps, envelopes, and mailing labels belonging to the Utica City School District to send out the fundraising flyers.


I dunno. Not just that he stole. Nothing special about that. But from a fund dear to the heart of his dead wife…

And that he even stole school district postage for the fundraising letters…

File under: Whoroscope, by Samuel Beckett.

Margaret Soltan, May 13, 2024 6:53AM
Posted in: just plain gross

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