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‘The students — many of them on campus and all their supporters off campus — describe the protests as a humanitarian uprising to save lives in Gaza and to advance the rights of Palestinians on the West Bank. All of that is commendable. But I don’t think that’s actually at the heart of the uprisings. The heart of the uprising is to oppose the existence of Israel. And this to me is audible in the most famous chants: “From the River to the Sea” and “Globalize the Intifada.” Those slogans are horrifying. People will say that the chants are calls for the human rights of Palestinians. And people will say that in chanting those slogans that’s what they mean. But this is an example of bad faith.’

Paul Berman weighs in.

The students want to chant these things, of course, because these slogans are transgressive. But no one wants to say what the transgression is because it’s too horrible. So we’re having a mass euphemism event: Horrible things are being advocated by people who deny that they’re advocating it.

… It’s very difficult for people with liberal ideas to recognize the extreme and frightening views that are actually upheld by totalitarian movements. In Hamas we have radical Islamists who’ve shown us in real life what they’re actually for by acting on their principles. And there’s an inability or reluctance to see that. So we have a mass movement in defense of Hamas that calls itself a mass movement in defense of human rights. It’s a blindness, but within the blindness is a seduction and a fascination. That’s evident in the transgressive thrill students feel in chanting those chants.

Margaret Soltan, May 13, 2024 3:21PM
Posted in: extracts

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One Response to “‘The students — many of them on campus and all their supporters off campus — describe the protests as a humanitarian uprising to save lives in Gaza and to advance the rights of Palestinians on the West Bank. All of that is commendable. But I don’t think that’s actually at the heart of the uprisings. The heart of the uprising is to oppose the existence of Israel. And this to me is audible in the most famous chants: “From the River to the Sea” and “Globalize the Intifada.” Those slogans are horrifying. People will say that the chants are calls for the human rights of Palestinians. And people will say that in chanting those slogans that’s what they mean. But this is an example of bad faith.’”

  1. Total Says:

    “If I completely change what they say they’re protesting about then I can criticize them for being foolish and transgressive” is not the powerful argument Berman would like it to be.

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