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‘Listen to the reaction of the crowd. They loved it.’

If you don’t get off on fascism, poor you! It’s the coming thing, here and plenty of elsewhere in the world, its hour come round at last yada yada don’t be last in line c’mon in the water’s fine.

Not asking you to have the courage of Rector Father Calvin Robinson at that right to life thing, where the crowd went wild at his nazi salute… Not asking you to out yourself to that extent —

I gave a salute

That started the whole room clapping

I mean, there are consequences… Robinson’s Grand Rapids church – and hey the whole Anglican Catholic confession – has dropped him like a hot McMosley, setting off the twentieth or so iteration of the Father’s Faith Journey … Dude’s been all over the map and I’m wondering what’s next and I’m thinking Romanian Orthodox (“A scandal erupted in 2011 when nuns at the Petru Vodă Monastery in Piatra Neamţ were filmed singing a fascist hymn to celebrate their abbot’s birthday.” OOOH les girls!)…

And yes there’s a gaping hole next to the word “Rector” at the bottom of the St Paul welcome page and Father R is out in the cold again. But don’t worry about him! Don’t you worry about little Calvin Robinson! In a world bristling with black shirts, he’ll be fine.

Margaret Soltan, January 31, 2025 6:26AM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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