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‘The US, for all its absurdities and manias, has been a functioning republic for more than two centuries. It will take more than Donald Trump to break it.’

Dunno. Hope so.

Margaret Soltan, February 1, 2025 4:40AM
Posted in: ADA DOOM

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2 Responses to “‘The US, for all its absurdities and manias, has been a functioning republic for more than two centuries. It will take more than Donald Trump to break it.’”

  1. TAFKAU Says:

    First, with respect to the headline, why is anyone even debating “[w]hether Elon Musk’s salute was intended or not.” Of course it was intended. It’s not as though it was some involuntary Strangelovian twitch. Everyone knows what that gesture represents in today’s world. Either he did it to troll the libs or, in the exhilaration of the moment, he set his inhibitions aside and revealed himself in public. Neither, obviously, speaks well of him. But he can no more plausibly claim this was some sort of Roman salute (that he probably saw on Star Trek) than someone who spraypaints a swastika on a government building can claim they are honoring the Navajo Nation.

    As for our immunity from fascism, I am skeptical, though, to be honest, I’m more concerned that circumstances are gathering that could lead to world war: incompetent, but ambitious leadership in key countries, millions of disaffected, underskilled young men on every continent, fraying of international institutions, the worldwide rise of nationalism/populism, technological capabilities that are outpacing our ability to understand and control them, and a void in global leadership that should be, but at least temporarily won’t be, filled by the United States.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    TAFKAU: Agreed on the salute: Inarguably intended, and presumably a mix of juvenility and fascist proclivities.

    I’m more inclined to worry in the direction of limited wars/civil wars, than a big flare-up. The movement – even with heavy breathing about Greenland/Panama – seems more about withdrawing into ‘we’re the greatest’ nationalisms than about international aggression.

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