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‘One of the consequences of the high prevalence of FGM in Africa is that many migrants to countries across Europe, North America, and elsewhere have experienced FGM, a phenomenon known as diaspora FGM. To date, approximately one to two million girls and women in the Global North are living with FGM, largely due to emigration and asylum-seeking driven by instability, conflict, and crises in Africa, as well as the search for socioeconomic opportunities. Instability has disrupted protection systems against FGM in migrants’ home countries, and receiving countries now face the significant challenge of providing protection systems to safeguard the next generation of girls from this practice.’

And because countries are slashing children at younger and younger ages (an ironic result of the success of anti-FGM campaigns in reaching older girls), it’s not unusual to see mutilated infants in Europe and America.

The incidence of the practice is astonishing:

Somalia (99 percent), Guinea (95 percent), Mali (85 percent), Sudan (87 percent), Egypt (87 percent), Sierra Leone (83 percent), and Eritrea (83 percent). 

Note Egypt. There goes the argument that it’s confined to chaotic third world locations.

These are countries where people think God commands them to bloody and disfigure infants. I know you’re too disgusted or morally relative or in denial or indifferent to think it happens here, but I’d ask you to recall Hopkins-educated Dr Jumana Nagarwala, who along with other slashers continues to bring the benefits of FGM to all parts of this great nation.

Margaret Soltan, February 1, 2025 11:13AM
Posted in: FGM

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