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Various sources tell me I shouldn’t run the rehearsal photos. Sorry!

Margaret Soltan, January 31, 2009 1:02PM
Posted in: Sport

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3 Responses to “Apologies.”

  1. jbb Says:

    I was kind of wondering about this. Frankly I’m surprised they let her take pictures at all (although I’m glad they do). Can you post them after the event? By the way, it’s super-cool she gets to do this. My biggest brush with fame as a GW undergrad was when I saw Gabriella Sabatini at Tower Records.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Yeah. Apparently there was quite a bit of photo taking until an official looking person came by and told people they should stop.

    As to running the photos after the event — I assume this will be okay.

  3. Bill Harshaw Says:

    I ran across a Slate article on Microsoft’s photosnyth here: http://www.slate.com/id/2209884/?wpisrc=eDialog The example the article cites is the Lincoln Memorial concert and sure enough you can see a photo of Springsteen and the chorus. (Requires a download of software to work, but you can upload photos to it.)

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