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Breaking into Jesus

Undergraduates from Exeter College and Jesus College fought each other after the annual event, known as the Turl Street Dash, got out of control.

Some of the students had drunk between 12 and 15 pints according to those present.

The violence erupted when Jesus students, who outnumbered their Exeter counterparts, broke into their rivals’ college.

Exeter students launched a counter-attack and broke into Jesus as well.

In the fight that followed, students ended up being punched and with bloodied noses.

The Exeter College bar manager, who with the porter and junior dean tried to break up the fight, was kicked in the groin. …

Margaret Soltan, February 13, 2009 7:59AM
Posted in: foreign universities

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2 Responses to “Breaking into Jesus”

  1. Old Jesubite Says:

    "Fight fiercely, Harvard!
    Fight, fight, fight!
    Demonstrate to them our skill.
    Albeit they possess the might,
    Nonetheless we have the will"

    Tom Lehrer

    I am told by my son, who was in the dash but absent from the subsequent fracas, that the accounts are greatly exaggerated.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I love those lines from Lehrer, and sing them often, Old Jesubite.

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