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Long, long day. Two hours in the air to Fort Lauderdale; then a drive to Key West with UD‘s friend Kevan, who met her at the airport and took her down there in his blue Honda Del Sol convertible.

The views along the way, of endless green water and vanilla skies with vultures, set the surreal tone for all that UD‘s so far seen in this warm and brilliantly lit place. All the islands in the sea, and all the clouds that swirl around them, make the sort of beauty you have trouble grasping — it’s so out of line with anything else in the world.

UD‘s long day ended at a pier famous for its sunsets. Another species of surreality, the deep pink bands on the horizon, the elegant sailboats purring by, people dancing in the peaceful dusk.

Margaret Soltan, February 16, 2009 8:12PM
Posted in: snapshots from key west

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