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Excellent Use of Quotation Marks

Scathing Online Schoolmarm hates quotation marks. But she knows there are times when you’ve simply got to use them.

Here’s a perfect example, from an article in Forbes giving advice about philanthropy.

Inquire about whether or not there is a conflict of interest policy in place. Is the investment manager on the board of the organization (i.e., Bernard Madoff was on the board of Yeshiva University and “managed” their investments)?

Margaret Soltan, February 17, 2009 4:32AM
Posted in: Scathing Online Schoolmarm

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4 Responses to “Excellent Use of Quotation Marks”

  1. RJO Says:

    Yesterday’s opinion essay at IHE made me think of SOS (I’m sorry to say, because its "topic" is interesting).

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Yikes. And who knew quotation marks were contagious? Most of the commenters also use them like crazy.

  3. Dennis Says:

    Yes, but shouldn’t that be e.g. rather than i.e.?

  4. Joe M. Says:

    Yes–i.e., it should be e.g.

    As for the post: hahaha.

    By far my favorite use of quotation marks can be found at a local bar, which proudly proclaims on its sign that it serves "beer."

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