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UD and Kevan Stopped at the University of Miami…

… to take off the top of his convertible. UD was wowed by the crowds of immense palm trees on campus.

Like almost every other university, Miami’s starting to have serious money troubles.

Margaret Soltan, February 17, 2009 9:41AM
Posted in: the university

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7 Responses to “UD and Kevan Stopped at the University of Miami…”

  1. veblen Says:

    I hear that in Key West more than just convertible tops come off.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Steps from my apartment is a clothing-optional lesbian resort, veblen, which is open to gay-friendly women. I’m certainly gay-friendly. But do I have the guts to visit????

  3. veblen Says:

    I’m sure if you summon up the courage or are overcome with curiosity we’ll read about it here.

  4. Dave Stone Says:

    Uhhhh–Veblen? As in Thorstein Veblen? Great guy, I’m sure, but I’m having a little trouble seeing the link to clothing-optional lesbian resorts.

    Sadly, "Thorstein Veblen" doesn’t lend itself to a limerick stress pattern. Perhaps a clerihew . . .

  5. Dave Stone Says:

    Whoops. Sorry–appositive trouble. Thought the lesbian resort was named after Veblen. Blushing more than if I stumbled into a clothing-optional lesbian resort.

  6. Margaret Soltan Says:

    No, sorry Dave. It does look, from the way I wrote the comment, as though the name of the resort is veblen.

    It’s actually named — if you’re thinking limericks — Pearl’s. And looks like a very nice place.

  7. Dave Stone Says:

    Eh–I went with the Veblen theme anyway.

    Clothing-optional lesbian resorts
    Encourage not wearing shorts.
    Conspicuous non-consumption
    Of fashion takes gumption.
    Avoid volleyball and other such sports.

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