December 4th, 2019
Since everyone’s talking about the legal, uh, situationalist Jonathan Turley…

… for whom lying about consensual sex is way impeachable, but bribing an ally desperate for military aid in a hot war is no way impeachable, UD thought she’d share this limerick she wrote years ago about Turley.

Turley is an avid defender of polygamists.

A colleague of UD‘s named Turley
Wants one boy to have many girlies.
“My thing on polygamy
Makes UD quite sick of me,
And even my wife has turned surly.”

December 4th, 2019
O Lord, Thou Workest in Mysterious Ways.

First in thy wisdom you granted our Georgetown University Jesuit community a tennis coach who bribedeth rich parents over lo! many years for many millions of dollars and draggedeth our name into the mud. Then you sent us Kevin Broadus, a basketball coach, who had fully demonstratedeth his – O Lord – troubling recruiting policy at SUNY Binghamton but thou sentest him to us anyway. It was thy will, and thy will be done.

And now as we enter the Christmas season, amid annual singalong Messiahs and other forms of fervent prayer, we can only watch in despair – but undaunted faith – as three more hotly recruited basketball players rob and threaten students who perhaps came to our school because they are actually serious Catholics.

But what can we do, O Lord? “Despite being served … restraining orders last month, the three men played in Georgetown’s Saturday game against the University of North Carolina.” We can only follow thy will, which is that these three men continue to play basketball for us. Surely in the fullness of time your… sporting… intentions for us will be revealed.

December 4th, 2019
‘Teva Discusses Plans for Diversification of its Business’

Top management is slated to fan out to prisons across the world to promote generics while serving their sentences for bribery, price fixing, and violation of the Controlled Substance Act.

Or… whatever. If you prefer to read an entire article which discusses the incredibly corrupt pharmaceutical giant without once mentioning that they’re in spectacular legal (not to mention financial) trouble, go to this curious publication.

December 3rd, 2019
Seven Stanford Coaches, Six Fake Test Takers…

… Five Briberies! Four Bogus Apps…

December 3rd, 2019
UD’s Garrett Park Neighbor…

… has built himself quite the successful restaurant business. (One of the owners lives around the corner.)

December 3rd, 2019
Oshkosh B’


December 3rd, 2019
3:10. Start there for Rachel Maddow’s wonderful riff on the first two people in congress to endorse …

… Trump for president.

December 1st, 2019
As long as there are Levesons Overruling Wilkies…

… London Bridge will remain a busy terrorist thoroughfare.

December 1st, 2019
Nawlins in the …

mawnin. As in much of the rest of the world, mass shooting is the way Americans celebrate ball games. (Southern won the game by doing what it had to do. Congrats!)

November 30th, 2019
Luckasz, Tusk. (Not Donald Tusk.)

Polish ingenuity and stout-heartedness.

Best tweet so far:

“Bloody Poles. Coming over here. Taking out our terrorists.”

Excellent choice of weapon.

November 30th, 2019
Life of the Mind, Washington State University

Observations about journalism from WSU’s highest paid, highest profile, most respected figure.

You know, you run your mouth in your little old column and stuff like some sanctimonious troll. You’ve never been fair and even-handed with us, so I really don’t care what you think. OK, go ahead, because you’re going to write something nasty stuff anyway like you always do. I don’t know which Coug way back when did something that offended you and I really don’t care about that either. But you can live your little meager life in your little hole and write nasty things and if that makes you feel even, you go right ahead. OK, next.

And then Mike Leach got down on all fours and pretended to be a dog pissing.

Oh wait. That was Life of the Mind, University of Mississippi.

November 30th, 2019
‘Khan, originally of Pakistan…’

So he probably had a place to go back to. And yet after imprisoning him for extensive, years-long terrorist activities in England, that country released him and kept him, so that in short order he could kill people on London Bridge. Failing to deport this incredibly dangerous man is as nuts as bringing back into the country ISIS fighters and propagandists.


I mean, I don’t know… Does this seem the best anti-terrorist policy to you? Put them back among your people (he got a sixteen year sentence but was released after six) until they slaughter, and then shoot them dead? Wouldn’t it make more sense to remove them from your borders? Or if you’re that attached to a guy like this, keep him in prison for life?

November 29th, 2019
The Man in the Elegant Suit…

… who didn’t mind getting it mussed.

November 29th, 2019
 Once upon a time there was a business
Where we used to raise a price or two
Remember how we settled suits for peanuts
And dreamed up all the dirty deals we'd do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
Inflation schemes, price fixing, bribery
We'd gut the lives we'd choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were rich and sure to have our way
 Now generic prices are in tatters
For distribution too we'll have to pay
Our current debt load's
twenty seven billion
Ruefully we smile and weep and say
Yes I remember well
We were corrupt as hell
And now our smiles have all turned into frowns.
But then you take my hand and tell me Here's the plan
We're gonna take our cash and double-down

November 29th, 2019
One year old, and bled almost to death by your parents.

An Irish court has found a couple guilty of having someone pop by and perform FGM on their one year old. The child practically died; the act was only discovered because the parents were good enough to take her to an emergency room rather than allowing her to bleed to death.

Now we will see whether Irish justice has the will to send them both to prison (the father may soon be deported; but let’s hold off on that until he has served a sentence), and to find a non-depraved family to raise the child.

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