December 5th, 2023
Doms for Libertines Chapter Leaves Organization.

The shtup-positive Zieglers have caused a Pennsylvania chapter of moms for whatever to find another path in life.

November 30th, 2023
How Even a Foundation


How even a foundation, O Gracious Lord Trump

Is spread on your face, with never a clump

O sweet Orange Jesus we name you with love

Our Lord and our Savior who rules from above

November 29th, 2023
Well I mean duh.

Ryan Fournier, one of the founders of Students for Trump, was arrested last Tuesday on assault charges in North Carolina … Fournier, 27, was accused of assaulting a woman identified as his girlfriend, “grabbing her right arm and striking her in the forehead” with a handgun

Isn’t something like this more or less a rite of passage for this super-Christian demographic? Along with fraud, driving over the speed limit, and drunk driving? (UPDATE: Plus threesomes and rape?) (Oh, I can hear it now: “Don’t judge us by our highest-profile leaders!”) UD’s gonna assume this latest thing happened cuz godly Fournier got hisself way fucked up one night and reached for the nearest household appliance.

November 29th, 2023
From a review of a book showcasing the thoughts of Harvard’s Adrian Vermeule.

The problem throughout this book, and I suspect most books about integralism suffer from the same problem, is that it is a sane analysis of madness. You make the same kind of marginal notes you do in other books — “strong argument,” “good point,” and “is this true?” — but then you put it down and wonder if you are still on planet Earth. 

… The integralists … are unhinged. 

The fact that they command a following is frightening …

It’s not really frightening, since jesus jackoffs are just, as the name has it, jacking off. They’re not doing anything.

But it’s certainly shocking that a masturbatory fantasist holds a responsible job at Harvard. Harvard even lets the guy loose in classrooms — though students are beginning to rebel against their lord and masturbator.

November 28th, 2023
Yet another victory for anti-theocrats.

Almost every time hijabis sue, they lose. UD can’t pretend to be unhappy about this; secular liberal states have the right to defend their secularity, and the highest European courts confirm this right again and again.

In a decision that holds for public sector offices across the EU, [a] Luxembourg-based court said a policy of strict neutrality “may be regarded as being objectively justified by a legitimate aim”.

… Tuesday’s decision echoed several rulings previously issued by the same court. In 2021 it ruled that private sector employers could limit the expression of religious, political or philosophical beliefs when there was a “genuine need” to “present a neutral image towards customers or to prevent social dispute”.

One year later it said that such bans do not constitute “direct discrimination” as long as they are applied equally to all employees.

What hijabis overlook is the reality of secular states, of which there are many all over the world, and particularly in Europe. (Given the absolutely massive rebellion against the hijab in Iran, it looks as though some secular states are laboring under the illusion that they’re religious.) The official, public-facing aspect of secular states ought, I’d argue, present religious neutrality as its basic identity. Outside of state services, a generally relaxed attitude toward religious garb should prevail, though even here there are nuances.

November 17th, 2023
“Football players shouldn’t be forced to get baptized to play football.”

Well, now… hold it right there. There’s a long tradition, in our most benighted states (West Virginia, Georgia), of public school teachers and coaches and hey even principals, marching all the kids off during school hours to Preacher Dimsdale in the auditorium or on the playing field. Dimsdale will dunk them in baptismal waters or instruct them to perform a group Jesus Wave — unless of course they want their dicks to shrivel, rot, and fall into the fires of hell FOREVER.

Separation of church and state? Coercion?

Who said coercion? How can it be coercion when you’re fifteen years old, dumb, and desperate to please your coach because all you want to do is play college ball? That sounds like informed consent to me.

But some malcontent heard tell bout Coach Dunkin’ and his wet ways and complained to the Freedom from Religion folks and uh oh.

November 13th, 2023
Every now and then, parochial schools try to convince us they’re not.

Yeshiva University a few years ago ran a lot of slick ads in the New York Times intended to attract a more cosmopolitan applicant pool. Notre Dame has long presented itself as a respectable liberal arts university. But something always happens to put parochial schools back in their places, and no one who watches these schools with any care should be surprised when they show their true colors.

As in: You really shouldn’t be surprised at evidence that important Notre Dame groups are trying to get rid of a professor who supports reproductive freedom. And that its administration has been outright hostile to the professor. Why do you think illiberalist Patrick Deneen left Georgetown for Notre Dame? He rightly identified the place as really, really Catholic.

November 10th, 2023
‘Opus Dei has about 90,000 members, a third of which are “numeraries” who are celibate for life and wear a cilice — a garter belt with spikes turned toward the skin — every day. (The group is often criticized as elitist, but you can find a “three link, 1mm gauge, full-leg metal cilice with metal fastener” on sale for an affordable $69.)’

As Opus Dei fan Rick Santorum rails against democracy and what he calls “sexy” issues like abortion, keep in mind that the super-funky BDSM his version of the faith boasts out-sexies anything ordinary people can come up with.

October 28th, 2023
‘Students, including a Jewish student who asked to leave but was not permitted to do so, were instructed to close their eyes and raise their arms in prayer, according to the lawsuit. The teens were asked to give their lives over to Jesus to find purpose and salvation. Students said they were told that those who did not follow the Bible would “face eternal torment.”‘

Welcome to the West Virginia public school system, where a high school principal forced all students to listen to a mentally retarded preacher while performing a mandatory Jesus Wave.

Guy probly knowd he shouldnt but the spirit of the Lord was too strong within him to resist offering escape from eternal torment TO EVERYONE. EVEN JEWS.

And you know what? Ifn he aint been fired he’ll do it again.


Even with this here lawsuit settlement, which institutes “a policy mandating annual religious freedom training” (LOL) and other shit like that, I’m figuring this principal – if he aint been fired – caint help hisself cuz ever time he looks at them poor Jews it just bout breaks his heart thinking of their organs dropping off into the fire.

October 25th, 2023
What Would Jesus Say?

[Jack] Smith’s investigators were keenly interested in questioning [Mark] Meadows about … whether Meadows actually believed some of the claims he included in a book he published after Trump left office — a book that promised to “correct the record” on Trump.

ABC News has identified several assertions in the book that appear to be contradicted by what Meadows allegedly told investigators behind closed doors.

According to Meadows’ book, the election was “stolen” and “rigged” with help from “allies in the liberal media,” who ignored “actual evidence of fraud, right there in plain sight for anyone to access and analyze.”

But, as described to ABC News, Meadows privately told Smith’s investigators that — to this day — he has yet to see any evidence of fraud that would have kept now-president Joe Biden from the White House, and he told them he agrees with a government assessment at the time that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election in U.S. history.


Why are you a big ol’ liar, Mark? What would Jesus say?

October 24th, 2023
“Do your worst. I’m not intimidated. I won’t back down. My mission is Truth, my God is the Lord Jesus Christ, and my client is the President of the United States.”

Jenna backs down.

My Jenna posts.

October 22nd, 2023
Restaurant owner…

… aborts his own business.

October 13th, 2023
‘If the Justice Department succeeds, Esformes could be sent back to prison, undoing Trump’s executive order that had made him a free man.’

The retrial is about to be scheduled! Our guy! We’ve long followed the worst Medicare-Medicaid criminal/most insanely pious Orthodox Jew (In prison, he prayed nine hours a day, “spending so much time praying on his knees that his legs were swollen and purple.”) in the country’s history, through conviction, Trump pardon, and now retrial. And, as world-historical hypocrisy mavens, we are loving every minute. The only spectacle as amusing is the Caged Wisdom sequence in the comedy Arrested Development, which is in fact largely indistinguishable from the ongoing Philip Esformes sequence.

In 2016, prosecutors charged Esformes in what they called the largest-ever scheme targeting Medicare and Medicaid, the government programs for the elderly and the poor. Esformes was accused of bribing medical professionals to admit patients to his network of assisted-living facilities and nursing homes for services that were never provided or were unnecessary.

During the two-month trial, prosecutors asserted that Esformes personally received more than $37 million in the scheme. They told the jury he used his proceeds to finance a lavish lifestyle and pay $300,000 in bribes to the head coach of the University of Pennsylvania basketball team to recruit his son…

In April 2019, a jury convicted Esformes on 20 criminal counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, paying and receiving kickbacks, bribery, money laundering and obstruction of justice…

Esformes worries constantly about a new trial and the threat of incarceration…

Poor baby! I tell you it’s doing nothing for the guy’s mental health that he might, even after Trump pardoned him, serve his prison term for stealing billions of dollars from the American health system and degrading the lives of millions of poor old people. What’s the world coming to when one of the most disgusting crooks America ever produced actually has to serve jail time? Put Esformes in my search engine for even more lurid criminal details!

October 8th, 2023
The alarming tendency of respectable commentators to take Adrian Vermeule seriously.

Gratified as UD is to see others finally pay attention to the Insane Integralists, and esp. their Harvard law prof spokesperson, Adrian Vermeule — cuz see UD’s been caterwauling about Vermeule for a number of years — she is less delighted to see looooong essays take serious historical, theological, and philosophical issue with him and his All Catholic All The Time movement.

Vermeule and his buds basically represent a Dungeons and Dragons circle jerk with Xian elements. To quote their rival World Takeover By Jesus sect, they are … SPOOKYTUS…….

Which sort of behavior among adults who hold respectable jobs is astonishing, and funny, and I write about it on this blog on that basis. Taking the lads with any real seriousness just makes them tug the slug more energetically.

But! I’ll go ahead and quote from a couple of recent articles anyway, in case you need reminding what this is all about.


What the integralists call the social reign of Christ will be achieved by integrating the temporal power (the state) with the spiritual power (the Catholic Church). The military, the economy, the arts, and religious life will be directed toward human flourishing as defined by one severe reading of Catholic tradition. Which doesn’t mean bishops would command armies or set tax rates — civil authorities in an integralist regime would retain broad spheres of competence within which to forward the ends prescribed by the Catholic Church, but the Church would define those ends…


[I]n the … words of an American integralist, “the state should recognize Catholicism as true and unite with the Church as body to her soul.”

[T]hey are another group in our society that judges governments and regimes and political orders by how good they are for them. This selfishness, which is a common feature of identity, is as tiresome in its religious versions as it is in its secular ones; it is a … form of contempt…

[The bizarre] Vermeule is talking about the American government. Who does he expect to persuade with this sectarian rapture?

… This is, well, nuts. Vermeule has no reason to fear the jackboot of Nancy Pelosi in the middle of the night. But his extreme view of his position in contemporary America enables him to cast himself grandiosely. He is the lonely knight of the faith who has taken up the Cross to do battle with the Jeffersonian infidels.

… When rationalists seem to be acting imperialistically, they can be challenged rationally, on their own grounds, and a rational argument for humility or restraint can be made; but no argument can be made with anybody who dissociates reason from truth, who repudiates “intrinsic grounds,” who demands of authority that it be “external.” 


And of course it’s valuable to visit and revisit the enemies of liberalism, the revilers of freedom. But taking AV and Co. with great seriousness is like taking the CEO of MyPillow seriously. UD doesn’t deny that people of this sort ought to be monitored occasionally; but leaving them alone to stroke themselves to sleepytime is by far the best move.

September 29th, 2023
No Child’s Behind Left.

I mean, the church thought it was done.

Now the law has changed and it’s time to declare bankruptcy.

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