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About to leave for the airport.

Saying goodbye to La Kid, who’s studying in Ireland this year.

Read all about it.

Margaret Soltan, August 27, 2010 1:09PM
Posted in: blog, snapshots from home

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9 Responses to “About to leave for the airport.”

  1. Dennis Says:

    I spent a year in Galway teaching on a Fulbright. It was a lovely town then and still is. She couldn’t find a better place to study. Be sure to go over and spend time in the West of Ireland while she’s there.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Wild horses couldn’t keep me away, Dennis.

  3. Bernard Carroll Says:

    I visited Galway for a conference about 20 years ago, and I took a day off to drive out to the Connemara district. Wildly beautiful, but that day I also understood why my forebears left and ended up in Australia during the 1840s.

  4. Margaret Soltan Says:

    It is wildly beautiful. I’ve been to the west coast a lot, and love it madly. Can’t wait to go back.

  5. Bill Gleason Says:

    “Ireland, ah, the grass was so green and the sky was so blue…”

    “And why did you leave Ireland, Grandpa,” we small children would ask.

    “I was starvin'” he’d reply. And we’d all laugh uproariously.

    Grandpa = my grandfather, an immigrant (~1905) Irish plumber.

  6. Crimson05er Says:

    It’s the birth of a Soltan Blogging Dynasty!

  7. Margaret Soltan Says:

    I dunno, Crimson05er. She’s so busy with her other stuff – Facebook, texting, tweets … I think she lacks my single-mindedness.

  8. Dennis Says:

    Of course. I should have realized you would already have visited Nora Barnacle’s home there and looked for Michael Furey’s grave, not to mention Thor Ballylee and all the other Yeats sites.

  9. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dennis: Actually, though I’ve been there a lot, I haven’t visited any Nora sites. Lots of Yeats places, though.

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