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Beats 4 Loko.

Trinity College, which was founded by Henry VIII in 1546, stores … wine to be drunk by dons, their guests and some privileged students.

Following a freedom of information request it emerged that the total value of wine stored in its cellars is £1.67 million.

Margaret Soltan, November 8, 2010 6:33AM
Posted in: foreign universities

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4 Responses to “Beats 4 Loko.”

  1. Jonathan Freedman Says:

    I drank the wine at Trinity College, Oxford (college feast). Truly a memorable experience. The port even better.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    People are after these schools to sell their stashes in order to help tuition stay low.

    This is one of those Trolleyology dilemmas.

  3. Jonathan Freedman Says:

    They might make a meaningless gesture or two, but they’re sooooo rich, it would be just that. The saying at Oxford was that you could walk from St. John’s College Oxford to St. John’s College cambridge without leaving property owned by one ST. John’s or another. Not to mention the art work. The wine cellars an insignificant part of their wealth. But the point is–it isn’t shared, so that the smaller, poorer colleges are, well, smaller, poorer.

  4. Crimson05er Says:

    Whilst an undergrad, I encountered urban legends claiming that some of the better endowed Harvard houses (Eliot, Adams, Lowell) possessed sixty year-old Masters’ wine cellars tapped for special occasions and supplied with rare vintages by generous alumni. Then I volunteered to work with Senior Common Room events in my house. They certainly never broke out any . Nice wine, but never found any hidden vaults of 1811 Château Lafite. Pity.

    Then again, there were also claims that an eccentric alum had endowed Adams House with a fund sufficient to ensure “the presence of whipped cream in perpetuity.”

    Regarding the titular “Four-Loko,” even college students are getting in on the trend of mocking its general awfulness. From College Humor:

    “Honest Four Loko Commercial”

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