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“The Tin Roof Brewing Company, a microbrewery near [Louisiana State University’s] campus, announced a partnership this summer with the university that may result in what could be a first for a major football program: an officially licensed school beer.”

The prodigiously pissed Louisiana State University.

Margaret Soltan, January 5, 2012 9:11AM
Posted in: demon rum

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5 Responses to ““The Tin Roof Brewing Company, a microbrewery near [Louisiana State University’s] campus, announced a partnership this summer with the university that may result in what could be a first for a major football program: an officially licensed school beer.””

  1. david foster Says:

    Can’t remember where, but I was driving somewhere where there was a brewery on one side of the road and a university on the other, and crossing over the road was a pipe about 4 feet in diameter….seemed a logical solution, although a pretty large pipe even given the current levels of college drinking.

    Sadly, it turned out to just be a steam pipe for the heating system.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    david: Funny!

  3. Crimson05er Says:

    “Prodigiously pissed.” Heh heh. Great pipe observation, Mr. Foster.

    For better or worse, LSU wouldn’t be the first school with a “branded” beer sold on campus. My alma mater’s been selling a licensed “1636” brew in the student pub underneath Memorial Hall for a few years now:


    At least they don’t sell it in the football stadium, or the 7-11 across from the T-stop in Harvard Square.

  4. Polish Peter Says:

    Beer for Princeton reunions used to come in special commemorative cans. A sample of these can be seen at http://stores.ebay.com/1st-choice-bock-16oz-flats/REUNION-CANS-CUP-12oz-16oz-/_i.html?_fsub=11806827. More examples can be found with a google search. A few other schools are represented as well. When the Coors, Molson, and Busch families are well-represented among alumni, there’s a lot of beer to be had.

  5. AJ Says:

    Hey, lighten up. My old school was founded by a man who made a fortune as a beer brewer. Our sports teams (we have a mean women’s field hockey team and men’s cricket is nonpareil) are called the Brewers and our official mascot is a mug of beer. Matthew Vassar’s brewery died out long ago and I don’t think Vassar has an official beer, but every year the Founder’s Day celebration begins at noon when the College President and the Student Body President share a beer. What’s not to like about wholesome, nutritious alcohol?

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