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Football at the University of Colorado has been disgusting for years.

(Put football colorado in my search engine.)

But at least now it’s bankrupting the school.

Excerpts from editorial commentaries at the Daily Camera:

If we think of football as a business, as we should, we should expect the campus CEO to tender his resignation.


CU entered a new stage of crisis when it fired [AD] Mike Bohn. That event was more cumulative than singular, a headstone on twenty years of embarrassment… Now we learn, thanks to Camera digging, that the athletic department ran a $7.5 million loss last year, including $2.9 million in one-time buyouts and a $3.3 million collapse in ticket sales.


Interim Athletic Director Ceal Barry stated, “We need to look at efficiencies”. Current inefficiencies include $9.8 million in football coach’s severance packages, the $1.3 million overrun in “miscellaneous expenses” and the $1 million in renovation of football coaching offices! There are 23 football coaches and directors. Men and women’s basketball has six coaching posts each, skiing five and women’s tennis two.

administrative_user, June 24, 2013 2:58PM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “Football at the University of Colorado has been disgusting for years.”

  1. Dr_Doctorstein Says:

    “Football at the University of Colorado has been disgusting for years….”

    Never more so than during the Sal Aunese years. Aunese was the star quarterback who knocked up the 17-year-old daughter of fundamentalist head coach Bill McCartney. Aunese’s subsequent death from stomach cancer was milked for all it was worth; the team rode that emotional high all the way to a national championship. The press conference at which McCartney confirmed the rumors of his daughter’s pregnancy just might be the most sordid thing I’ve ever seen. McCartney went on to found Promise Keepers. Suitably worked up, his life story could become the Great American Novel.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Dr_ : LOL.

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