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Ain’t football a blessing.

When Baylor first hired Art Briles
The prez and trustees were all smiles.
But there’s just no escapin’
A teamful of rapin’–
Get ready, get set, for the trials.


And remember, kiddies: Baylor’s already paying Briles six million dollars or so a year to go away.

Truly, truly a blessing.


Baylor University: Toxic Christianity.

While a lawsuit was almost certainly expected, if Briles thinks people at Baylor conspiring against him is why he doesn’t have another job, he’s clinically insane. Anyone associated with Baylor, its athletic department and its football team is toxic right now. Briles wouldn’t be considered for any jobs at any level even if he was carry a sack full of recommendations from Baylor’s administration.

After Briles gave an incredibly weak apology for the out-of-control program he ran at Baylor, did anyone think he would be getting a job any time soon? The guy just doesn’t seem to understand the havoc players wreaked under his watch and just how awful the culture he promoted was.

If Briles was smart, he’d have laid low for a few years, then mounted a comeback with some very serious apologies. Instead he’s out there suing his former employer and acting like he did nothing wrong.

Margaret Soltan, December 8, 2016 10:13PM
Posted in: limericks, sport

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3 Responses to “Ain’t football a blessing.”

  1. adam Says:

    Don’t worry, Ken Starr will defend ‘em.
    And if fences are broke he’ll mend ‘em.
    He’s had lots of practice,
    Down there in the cactus,
    And laws? – it’s his job to amend ‘em.

  2. adam Says:

    Better version.

    Don’t worry, Ken Starr will defend ‘em.
    And if fences are broke he’ll mend ‘em.
    He got lots of practice,
    Down there in the cactus,
    And laws? – it’s his job to upend ‘em.

  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    “Upend” is great.

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