Faced with a famous, high-level plagiarist/physicist, a person the government just put at the head of an important scientific panel, France’s education minister has opened an inquiry into the curious cuttings and pastings of Etienne Klein.
We will see if UD is correct in identifying the source of Klein’s problem. UD suspects he hires people to write his books for him, but fails to read what they write before he puts his name on it.
If UD has said it once, she’s said it a hundred times: Keep an eye on the help.
That panel he’ll be heading?
… the mission of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (IHEST) … is to restore trust between scientists and society.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:54PM
December 12th, 2016 at 11:09AM
dmf: Many thanks for that link. I’ll probably post on it later today.