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That peculiarly All-American stench of high-octane Jesusism + rancid personal perversion has always been a big part of the atmosphere of jockshops like Auburn University…

… from whom this blog has long demanded the very highest levels of institutional dementia, and in whom UD has in fact never been disappointed.

Way back in 2006, when UD encountered one of hundreds of Auburn’s fake courses / fake professors / fake departments sports scandals, she embarked upon her Auburn journey, replete with drunks and thugs and sex addicts — and that only describes the upper administration.

Auburn’s new head football coach comes from Liberty U., on whose campus the ambient heavy breathing is either paroxysmal prayer or President Falwell watching his wife fuck the pool boy.

Auburn, like Baylor University, broadcasts its spiritual superiority to us all while behaving in all ways with breathtaking moral degeneracy. It would be too fictional to believe if it weren’t all true. But Coach Hugh Freeze is true, and Auburn is true, and Baylor is true, and Liberty is true.

Because you don’t remain a big fat ethical shit-strip without the full-hearted support of your community, UD was shocked by a recent local jury decision in favor of an Auburn professor who pointed out that the school is a hypocritical cesspool, and who was subsequently systematically destroyed by the administration — everyone, including that week’s president (filthy schools like Auburn can’t keep presidents, cuz their … uh… sins are always in danger of exposure) fucked the guy over in Jesus’ name. The guy sued and won a bunch of money and Auburn got punitive fees imposed etc.

I mean, maybe, as in the case of the tanking Mr Fuckface himself — with his Big Bible Held Aloft + sex/money crimes, treason, and fascist anti-semitism — even the Deep South is tiring of the Shit All Over Jesus Shitshow.

Margaret Soltan, November 30, 2022 12:46PM
Posted in: forms of religious experience

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3 Responses to “That peculiarly All-American stench of high-octane Jesusism + rancid personal perversion has always been a big part of the atmosphere of jockshops like Auburn University…”

  1. JND Says:

    Taking it to the next level!

  2. JND Says:

    I should have included this link.


  3. Margaret Soltan Says:

    JND: Wow! Many thanks for this ‘Baptist thread’ article, which notes the sexual perversion/football/Jesus links among Liberty, Baylor, and Auburn. At my advanced age, I am having some trouble following the – er – ins and outs of these guys, but I’m going to read the piece again and see if I can get it straight. Meanwhile, I’m thinking there should be a rape/harassment/bullying Prayer Partnership among these schools, so they can share their interests and cooperate among themselves more openly and easily.

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