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‘[Texas] A&M’s Board of Regents, in a clandestine meeting, approved the firing of [football coach] Jimbo Fisher and the buyout payment in his contract of $75 million. [There’s] no discount if he decides to take another job. They are such morons down there.’

If you read this blog, you’ve known for years and years that down them parts thems all be morons. If you’ve been reading the Star Tribune, you think this is actually news.

Margaret Soltan, November 15, 2023 7:00AM
Posted in: sport

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2 Responses to “‘[Texas] A&M’s Board of Regents, in a clandestine meeting, approved the firing of [football coach] Jimbo Fisher and the buyout payment in his contract of $75 million. [There’s] no discount if he decides to take another job. They are such morons down there.’”

  1. JND Says:

    Football in Texas has reached a new high–or low–with this action.

    A former teacher of mine, Frank Vandiver, was president of A&M when the Jackie Sherril nonsense took place. It’s reported that he was kept completely in the dark until it happened and that he almost resigned over it. I suspect he’s rolling in his grave today.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    JND: For readers who don’t know the background on Sherrill: “In 1988, Sherrill’s Aggies were put under probation by the NCAA for a period of two years. Violations included improper employment, extra benefits, unethical conduct and lack of institutional control. Sherrill was not personally found guilty of any infractions. However, in December 1988, Sherrill resigned.” What innocent, halcyon days they were…

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