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No-Professor Zone

On [South Korea’s] Jeju [Island], it’s not unusual to see signs at camping grounds or guest houses stipulating both lower and upper age limits for would-be guests. There are “no-teenager zones” and “no-senior zones”, for example, and even plenty of zones targeting those somewhere in between.

So numerous have the “no-middle-aged zones” become that they have collectively been dubbed “no-ajae zones,” in reference to a slang term for “uncle.”

One restaurant in Seoul rose to notoriety after “politely declining” people over 49 (on the basis men of that age might harass female staff), while in 2021, a camping ground in Jeju sparked heated debate with a notice saying it did not accept reservations from people aged 40 or above. Citing a desire to keep noise and alcohol use to a minimum, it stated a preference for women in their 20s and 30s.

Other zones are even more niche.

Among those to have caused a stir on social media are a cafe in Seoul that in 2018 declared itself a “no-rapper zone,” a “no-YouTuber zone” and even a “no-professor zone”.


I assume that last one is because professors order one tea and then sit at a table all day, reading a book.

Margaret Soltan, January 26, 2024 6:05AM
Posted in: professors

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2 Responses to “No-Professor Zone”

  1. Rita Says:

    Give us a break, UD. We get paid enough now that we can afford tea AND a scone to cover our 5-hr visit.

    I am sitting in a cafe next to two old professors at this very minute who have long finished their respective teas, but they are not reading books. They are instead trying to teach each other how to look things up on their phones, but making little progress.

  2. Margaret Soltan Says:

    Ok; and a scone.

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